Thursday, July 3, 2008

Take Your Daughter...

or your 5 year old son...he loved it too :)

I took Maddie and a friend (and Will) to see this movie yesterday. We really enjoyed it. The story takes place during the Great Depression...and at times, I must say, it was really sad...okay, I cried. The struggles families went through were heartbreaking. It was good for Maddie to see that life is not always what you want, but you can get through it. I liked that it was a movie for children, but it was real...people losing their homes, cars, clothes, food, and even their dad...I try to teach my children that not everyone has it as good as they do (and there are many others who have A LOT more than we do). But seeing it in that made her think.

She made a couple of comments last night that made me realize she understood that life is not all Nintendo, Disneyland, new toys and FUN! Sad...but true. (dangit)


Hema and Becky said...

I totally want to see this movie. I haven't convinced my hubby to take me yet!

Meredith said...

We are SOOOO looking forward to seeing Kit!!!