Wednesday, September 19, 2007


I can't believe I'm going to put this on my blog, but in keeping with family memories I'm going to swallow my pride and post! Last Friday, Maddie was in the kitchen making herself breakfast before school. I was up in bed (of course) and Bob was in the bathroom (of course). I heard a blood curdling scream. Something inside me knew what it was. Bob ran downstairs and I stayed in bed:). Maddie said she heard little footsteps and turned around to see a MOUSE dash under the stove! Is that not the most disgusting thing you've ever heard! Well, I bought some sticky traps and Bob set them that mouse in the morning. We forgot to set them the next two nights. Monday night we put all six out and Tuesday morning, Maddie was in the kitchen making herslf breakfast before school, I was in bed (of course) and Bob was in the bathroom (of course)...notice the routine? I heard this weird banging and so did Bob. He went downstairs to find Maddie standing on a chair staring at the mouse (it was still alive)! Then I heard some real banging (Bob killing the mouse with a shovel outside-now that is the most disgusting thing you've ever heard). Obviously, I stayed up in my bed the entire time. I wanted no part of that. Needless to say, we are happy to have caught the little critter and that he is dead. In fact, the trashman just took him to his final resting place about an hour ago.

Just a little side note...when I told my mom about this, she asked why Bob didn't just put the alive mouse in a plastic bag and then put it in the trashcan! YIKES! And I said "What and suffocate the mouse?" She said "yes". I had vivid pictures of the mouse chewing through the plastic bag and somehow running around for the rest of its life stuck to a sticky trap! No thank you!

One more little side note: Maddie says it's not the mouse she saw run under the stove :) What does she know?!

And obviously, I have no photos for this post!


Jocelyn said...

Hilarious! And Narsty! But mostly hilarious... because it wasn't at my house! I would die. I hope Mads is wrong and you don't find the brother next week. Take a picture next time. HA!

Suffocating the mouse is almost as sick as smashing it with a shovel. SICK!

Fred Sowerwine said...

Maddie is probably right! There is very seldom only one mouse.

Jana said...

That was hilarious!! And totally SICK! I am throwing up in my mouth.